We’ve just received two excellent school reports for both Ryan & Allen!
Ryan’s teachers said that his attitude and confidence in class improved markedly from late spring (the time that he started Easyread) and that his reading and writing (including spelling) have improved enormously over the year. The school has even kept back his exercise books to exhibit to OFSTED next term.
Ryan (10) was awarded the headmistress’ prize for his improved attitude to learning over the year. Both myself and my husband found it hard not to cry at the praise assembly. Such a difference from before Xmas, when he seemed to be sliding into bad behaviour and surliness from the shear frustration of it all.
Allen (7) has also had a pivotal year. His teacher commented on the sudden and distinct improvement in his concentration that was apparent when he returned to school after the spring half term holiday (after 10 days of your eye tracking exercises and 3 weeks of Easyread).
Allen has leapt from a bit below expected levels to slightly above in reading and literacy, and boldly above expectations in science and maths.
We attribute all this success to the boys hard work and your system! Well done team Easyread!!
– D