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Eliot is doing fine with Easyread. He has never found it particularly difficult, which has helped! He finds the reward system a great incentive (great that the rewards came thick and fast at the beginning). He is motivated to finish the course with his eyes fixed on the final prize: the helicopter! He is happy to come to the computer every morning before school for his ten minutes. There has been a few grumbles of late – a bit repetitive, snow-white doesn’t appeal much, although he is reading it without complaint. He is still prone to make the occasional hasty decision: guessing or not waiting for the definition of the word before saying if it is correct.

He seems to be making progress, and is more willing to do general reading before bedtime. He likes the range of Dyslexia Friendly Books by publisher Barrington Stoke. Our school has recently bought lots of them. He has just finished his second book and finds it satisfying to be able to read a chapter of a chapter book in one or two sittings.

– S