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DM News Blog

Latest news in literacy, child development, and all things DM Ed


Toys ‘R’ Us are holding a special one day event, creating a shopping experience that will delight children with autism.

This Sunday, stores across the nation will open an hour early to provide an altogether more relaxing shopping experience for children who might otherwise be sent into stress spirals at the hands of the store’s regular shopping environment.

Toys ‘R’ Us’s traditional scenes will be transformed – where possible, lights and fluorescent lighting will be dimmed; music and announcements will be switched off; autism-friendly signage will be used and a quiet zone will be made available when needed.

Autism Access Manager for the National Autistic Society, Daniel Cadey, says:

“Simple changes like this can make a huge difference to the 700,000 autistic people in the UK and to their families, and we hope that many more major retailers will follow the great example set by Toys R Us.” (The Telegraph)

Checkouts won’t be open until 11am due to Sunday trading laws, so that means one whole hour of the best kind of shopping for children with autism.

Let us know if you decide to go!