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Both Reuben and Abby have completed the course and are now reading!!

Abby is very confident and the ‘light has switched on’ in just the last 2 weeks or so. She is reading Harry Potter with confidence and strategies and is gaining in reading confidence each day which is impacting her writing and spelling too. Easyread has been my safety net and my life line.

I have to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support. It has been honest and real and it has ‘done what it said it would do’. Its been a long and tough road but the letters, prizes, emails explaining what to expect at each stage has meant I have always trusted you and felt like we were working together as a team. When we weren’t ready to stop at the end of the official course I was so reassured that you were with me for what may have been the long haul and that you weren’t just a ‘production line’ which we could fall off the end without achieving. I honestly believed you saw my children as individuals who would need different lengths of time to get to the place where they ‘flew’- this was such a comfort.

This feels like a sad time in one way but also so exciting and encouraging, as a home educating mum it will revolutionise my teaching next year to have them both reading. Thank you again for being just what we needed when we needed it and for providing a course which has truely changed our lives. 