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Changed her life and prospects

I think the last 48 lessons have been really good. They have been fun and I have seen definite progress in Flintie’s ability. Flintie has been making improvements in her reading, and it seems to be noticeable every day! We are so pleased and want to thank you so...

Reading overall really has come on leaps and bounds

His reading overall really has come on leaps and bounds though, we just need to get practicing with his spelling, and him gaining confidence with reading. Which I am sure will come, as he could not read at all when he started this programme. Thanks again for inventing...

Her confidence has soared

I would like to stop the course now as I’m happy with where Anya has got to. In fact, far more than happy, I’m thrilled! Last week she was following the hymns at church in her hymnbook and although she didn’t know the words, she was keeping up with...

Reading has improved massively

Delphine has been making huge progress with your method and we thank you for your support along the last few months. I have also found that her reading has improved massively. She loves the library. After really enjoying the story of Robin Hood and Maid Marian, she...