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Meet Mary, one of our Easyread prize senders

Meet Mary. Mary is the lovely lady who posts all our Easyread prizes to the UK and the rest of the world (minus the US). Hi Mary! Tell us, how did you become a prize sender for Easyread? I became a prize sender for Easyread in 2012. My daughter Laura worked for...

Sienna recommends Spooky House, Billie B Brown

What books should you be turning to once your child starts showing an interest in wanting to read outside of the Easyread programme? Eight year-old, Sienna, thinks the Billie B Brown series are the way to go. Here’s Sienna’s review of Spooky House, A...

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: a review by Anna

What do you read when you’ve finished the books in the Easyread library and must go out into the big wide world of words? Our recent Easyread graduate, Anna, has been enjoying getting into the Harry Potter series. Read her critical comparison of the book and...

A wee Easyread review

“Hannah is now on lesson 177 and is really enjoying the lessons. I just thought I’d let you know how much she is getting out of it and she loves getting your wee gifts in the post. Easyread and you all have all made such a difference to our lives and I...

Breakthrough Readers of October

What a great month October was! Congratulations to all those Easyread secret agents who completed their reading training and, as a result, have received their helicopters. We’d love to see a photo/ video of them in action, you’ve worked so hard to get them! We wish...