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Confidence, enjoyment and not a chore!

Many thanks for your program, it has been very good for Sophie. She has gained in skills and also confidence whilst completing the lessons – and they were not a chore to do. We both enjoyed them.

Begging for books!

Zach has improved tremendously.  He begged for books for Christmas and loves to sit now and read.  Something that was unheard of last year!  We are so pleased.

The biggest change has been to his confidence…

When I started to work with Alfie he did not seem very interested or motivated by easyread but his attitude has changed quite dramatically over the last few months and he now can’t wait to get started each day. I think he still finds it hard to believe that he...

I enjoy reading now…

Dear David, I have reached level 4. I tried hard to reach level 4 and I have been doing this for a over a year. I enjoy reading now because Easyread has made me a better reader. Thank you for making Easyread. When I was on level 2 I was amazed because I never thought...

I've bought lots of books to read on holiday!

What did I think of Easy Read? Great. It was fun. I have learnt a lot I can read much more confidently. I enjoy reading now. I have been to second hand book shops on my holiday and bought lots of books to read – 16 books. Horse books and Dr Who books. I really...