ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

Better than my dad!

This week, since the prizes have started to arrive, Brodie has got a new burst of enthusiasm – he has given all family members spy names, changed his name and we are no longer doing a reading program but spy training. Yesterday he was so excited when he could do...

How important and how rewarding being able to read is

From our point of view receiving Stacey’s report at end of 2014 from school and seeing that she had achieved the New Zealand reading level set for her age group was fantastic. Stacey also understands now how important and how rewarding being able to read is...

Eye-tracking success!

I have had an “awesome ” improvement and I am finding the reading easer. If I look at something for too long I still get a little blur, but I still can read way easer. So thank you.

James is flying high!

Hi guys, just wanted to sincerely wish you all a merry Christmas, since I am getting the best present ever watching James flying along. We have now finished the school year and he has caught up to the average. a huge relief for us. so thank you very, very much.

A very competent 3rd grade reader

Allison has made excellent progress with her reading skills since beginning the Easyread Program last July. She has enjoyed the lessons and now, according to her teacher, she is a very competent 3rd grade reader.