Before joining Easyread, James had tried other phonics programmes like Hooked on Phonics. However, his mother was finding that he was still guessing at words. Guessing seemed to work for James sometimes, but at other times when the words would reappear, it would seem as though he’d never seen them before. It was much easier for James to read the words in isolation than in sentences within a story. And he definitely used the pictures to “read” the word of a story.
Seven months later, and James has finished with the Easyread programme. He has transformed from a reluctant reader, who would protest and even cry when it was time to read, to a ready and confident child who looks forward to reading time.
We spoke with his mother to find out more about James’s Easyread journey.
What was reading like for James before Easyread?
Before Easyread it was a struggle to even have James try to read. He would put up a fight and even cry. He was so frustrated and tired of trying.
What was James’s favourite part of the lessons? And his least favourite?
His favorite part of the program was playing the games. Fighter Mission and Letter Quest were his absolute favorites. His least favorite part was the typing exercise.
Fighter Mission
Letter Quest
When did you start to notice things changing?
I actually noticed a change immediately. Mostly, his attitude changed. He looked forward to reading and wanted to log on more than once a day. His reading skills began to change after the first 2 weeks and began steadily improving.
What’s James reading now? Is he writing lots? How is spelling?
James reads “BOB Books” for easy practice and “Scholastic Readers” for more of a challenge. But he reads every sign, label, or billboard he sees. He practices writing sentences and can spell pretty well but still needs practice.
What has the Easyread programme meant for you?
Easyread has meant the world to me. It is so heartbreaking to see a gifted child struggle so much with reading that he would rather give up, than to try even one more time.
Easyread was our miracle. He enjoyed it so much that he couldn’t wait to complete the lessons. It restored his confidence and allowed him to overcome.
Thank you so much for the work you do!