Mar 25, 2014 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The Problem At age 7, Ted could hardly read at all. Basic CVC words like “cat” or “dog” were manageable, but other simple three letter words eluded him, like “the” or “and”. Even if he was able to decode them on one page, he would turn the page and fail to recognise... Mar 19, 2014 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The Problem Moving from the UK to Australia at the start of 2011 had some obvious challenges for Tom in terms of adjusting to a new school, a different curriculum, and also a new country. Initially things seemed OK, despite the fact that he was clearly behind his twin... Feb 26, 2014 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The Problem When Charlotte started school, mum Jenny assumed she would learn to read just like everyone else; however very soon it became apparent that she was finding it harder than most. Charlotte was one of the youngest of her ten children, so Jenny felt... Feb 13, 2014 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Teen Mark had gone from reading swimmingly to sinking fast in just a few short years. And just when all seemed lost, Easyread became his life raft… The Problem Somehow over the course of Primary Year 4, Mark went from hanging in there with his reading to needing... Jan 31, 2014 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The Problem The story of Doresa and her three children’s struggles with learning to read began three years ago, when Javon was in Kindergarten and the twins Jordan and Makaila were in a private preschool. Doresa and her husband were a little worried about Javon’s... Jan 8, 2014 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Not being able to read forced lively Logan to go inside his shell. Mum was stumbling in the dark too with knowing how to help. But Easyread allowed them to see a light at the end of the tunnel… The Problem Despite being a late talker, Logan had always been a confident... Dec 18, 2013 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
“During the summer holidays this year, we decided to arrange for Sammy to meet up with a Speech Therapist in France and Caroline Hurst a Behavioural Optometrist working in St Neots, Cambridgeshire.Both meetings confirmed that Sammy has some measurable... Dec 4, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Hannah was stuck in a reading rut as a self-professed non-reader before Easyread. Nowadays, she can’t get enough! The Problem Year 1 was a breeze for Hannah. She could easily devour most of the books in the classroom and the school had no concerns. Fast forward a year... Oct 9, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The Problem Remembering words was always difficult for Sam, and before long it was clear he was in big trouble. Before age 5 nothing seemed to separate Sam from his classmates developmentally. Mum Lisa began to have some doubts about her son’s ability to interact with... Sep 25, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
From losing streak to winning streak: last year 10 year old Nathan was unable to decode even single words. After a few months of using The Easyread System, he is happily reading entire chapters! The Problem Nathan had always been a shy child, and so starting school... Sep 12, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Having ADHD, dyslexia and chronic low confidence, Cameron had the odds stacked against him when it came to reading and spelling. With Easyread he was finally able to begin closing the gap… The Problem Cameron was a bright toddler and reached all his speech milestones... Aug 28, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
For dyspraxic Isaac, reading was a game of luck before he started using the Easyread System. Now, he is a thriving reading machine! The Problem Isaac’s difficulties with balance and coordination first became apparent when he was 4 years old. The staff at day care... Jul 31, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The twin boys who went from reading horror to total reading happiness! The Problem Twins Daniel and James had always been similarly happy and outgoing boys. However, their struggles with reading and writing seemed to set them apart very clearly… The first time Jill... Jun 6, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Medical marvel Michael had always been a survivor; but it wasn’t until Easyread that he was able to experience the joy of a life with books in it can provide… The Problem It’s fair to say that 10 year old Michael has faced some obstacles to learning in his life.... May 22, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Wills had been running away from reading his whole life. Nowadays, thanks to Easyread, he’s the leader of the pack! The Problem When it came to reading, Wills had always managed to ‘get by’ rather than really enjoying it. As far as phonics was concerned – he just... May 8, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Closing the literacy gap: how artistic Alice’s reading went from stop to go, go, go! The Problem Alice loved stories. From a very young age, mum and daughter started the routine of sitting down together each evening to devour a bedtime story. Katherine, Alice’s... Apr 24, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Mum Belinda knew all too well the suffering her dyslexic son was experiencing. But just when they thought they had asked all possible questions, Easyread provided the answer they never expected or dreamed of… The Problem Cameron was a late talker, being almost 3 by... Apr 4, 2013 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
It seemed that Harry the super sight-reader would never happily pick up a book. Now he smiles, he reads and most of all, he enjoys life! The Problem At age 5 Harry had everything going for him. He loved the activity of reading, and he’d been speaking fluently since... Mar 20, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
A year ago Daisy was constantly taking two steps forward and one step back with her reading. Now, she’s full steam ahead! The Problem Daisy’s initial experiences with reading seemed very promising indeed. She was tackling surprisingly difficult words, and her first... Mar 6, 2013 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Expat Caroline was nose-diving with reading both English and French. But since Easyread, she has been flying in more ways than one! The Problem Caroline’s family moved to France in 2009 when she was 4 years old. Being bilingual English/French speakers they were...