Feb 6, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Go-getting Oliver always finished first; except when it came to the reading race… The Problem Oliver had always been the kind of child who put 110% effort into everything he did. His teachers often praised him for his intelligence and the competitive manner in which... Jan 24, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Easyread was as much of an education for primary school teacher Christine as it was for her daughter… The Problem Phonics was a walk in the park for Catherine at age 5. She was in the top half of her class and had an all-round superb first year at school. However,... Jan 9, 2013 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
From tears of despair to tears of joy…Easyread was the key that unlocked Louisa’s reading and writing potential. The Problem When Louisa started school age 6 it was instantly clear that her spelling was poor compared to other children her age. By the end of the school... Dec 19, 2012 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
From homework hell to ravenous reading…Psychologist and mother Shanel could not believe the transformation in her son’s reading… The early signs had been positive. Shanel was careful to ensure that reading was well and truly part of her son’s daily routine and Jaydon... Dec 13, 2012 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Kevin and Elaine knew that their son had problems with reading and spelling from day one. This niggling feeling was followed by mounting evidence at school and at home. After a long wait and a hard fight, his parents finally convinced the local education authority to... Nov 27, 2012 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Izzy always loved being read to. Mum Sheryl remembers that when she turned 2 she was able to recite all her favourite books word-for-word. It seemed impossible that her daughter would be anything but a high flying reader once school began. However when Izzy... Nov 7, 2012 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
7 year old Francis is dyslexic. Testing had revealed significant phonological and auditory processing problems and a shockingly low working memory capacity. What the test did not measure, was his terror when it came to reading a book. Daily intervention for... Oct 31, 2012 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Lyn can remember how when her son was at nursery, he was observed as being one of the most promising children in his class. Indeed, Andrew was progressing incredibly well in all areas and staff often commented on how bright he was. Then, he went to school…. From age 5... Aug 30, 2012 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog
Case Studies View All Case Studies Case Study: The Miracle of Gabriel Just over a year ago, things were looking very different for Gabriel – he was in third grade and was classified as being 3 years behind his expected reading level. Gabriel’s mom, Bonnie, was being...