Jul 30, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Hi Mr Morgan, it’s being a great adventure, but alas this adventure has come to an end. I will miss you so much, but I have to read other books. Thank you so much for making me read. Right now I am reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I was able to read the first... Jul 27, 2015 | Parent Reviews
We are going to cancel Easyread for now and try and focus on finding reading material he enjoys. He has improved so much and is so much more confident now. We will be in touch again soon when little brother (4) starts reading! I would recommend the program to... Jul 27, 2015 | Parent Reviews
I think you have a great program and the only one that I have seen like it. It is great for visual learners. The learning support teacher at school is also very impressed. The code words and the prizes really made it fun and exciting and really motivated him. Jul 27, 2015 | Parent Reviews
N is positive about the programme and we have seen his confidence grow as he becomes more familiar with the characters. He has been amazed by the words he has been able to read with the character support. N has battled through so many programmes over the years but... Jul 27, 2015 | Parent Reviews
I would like to thank you very much for your help with R’s reading – I am pleased to say that he is now reading fluently and more importantly, enjoying books and understanding what he sees written around him. Jul 20, 2015 | Parent Reviews
We’ve been really impressed with the prizes and support already (and we haven’t even started paying yet). The prizes couldn’t be more suited to Rory’s interests and he won’t believe that we didn’t let you know what he likes! Jul 16, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Finn is coming along really well with his reading. He started this programme with no confidence, and a lot of negativity about reading. He still struggles a little with the need for repetition for fluency, but is happy decoding and loves the games. His recent SAT... Jul 15, 2015 | Parent Reviews
It’s been a year and we have found the easy reading system vital to support Anne in decoding words and giving her some confidence in attempting to read. The short lessons are perfect! Thanks for all your help over the last year. Jul 14, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Thank you so much, David! Declan was so excited to do a live lesson with you and see the person behind the voice! Your suggestions were excellent. Thanks for your time, positive feedback, and for the whole program, which has been a God-send. Jul 13, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
We enjoyed having you join in our lesson yesterday. Imran was very excited!! He wishes you could join in everyday. He is also looking forward to finish Easyread so that he can have his helicopter. Thank you for your support and advice. I feel that we are on the right... Jul 13, 2015 | Parent Reviews
As a parent, I have been very impressed with the program, and I know that it has been responsible for her dramatic improvements in reading over the past year. Hannah has gone from a girl of 7 who would avoid looking at signs or texts and would resist my attempts at... Jul 10, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
I have been enjoying the reading a little bit, It is actually kind of easy. I like the games a lot. I like this Easy Read program. Thanks for making it. Also, I have a question for you: Do you live in England? If so, is England foggy?
Jul 8, 2015 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
1. What was reading like for Cameron before Easyread? Main concerns/reading age level/frustrations etc? Cameron is a happy, outgoing, passionate child who showed no signs of interest in listening to books, reading books, trying to figure out sounds, or caring too much... Jul 8, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Hi David, My son Tom worked through your programme about two/three years ago… The children have just had their year 6 SATS results. You may be aware that by the end of key Stage 2 in Primary school they are expected to achieve Level 4 assessment across the... Jul 8, 2015 | Parent Reviews
He has enjoyed the new changes and especially enjoyed the wacky weather reading with some very interesting facts and pictures. He is now reading about 6 months ahead of his age and your course has definitely helped him achieve this. Jul 8, 2015 | Parent Reviews
This program has been a tremendous help for Josephine and we look forward to continuing on. I am so proud of her and hope that all of you at Easyread are proud of yourselves for developing such an effective stress-free program. Jul 7, 2015 | Parent Reviews
She has improved a lot with her reading and is now trying to read more things on her own. Jul 6, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Cameron has thoroughly enjoyed Easyread, for the most part. I feel it has given him tools for success that will be used throughout his entire life to help him read and understand. There are so many facets to the program which go above and beyond just phonics, like eye... Jul 6, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Eloise had her school report yesterday and against everything school had said at parents evening in March Eloise passed the phonics screening test ( granted by one mark) but she achieved what they thought was impossible and increased her phonic score by 50% in about... Jul 2, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Thank you so much. Even in only 10 lessons Darian’s attitude about reading has improved. I look forward to continuing the lessons. Have a great day.