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We thought some humor was in order in the world of reading, so we bring you this hilarious list of unfortunate book titles. Perhaps the authors should have thought a bit more before sending them to the printer!

Pooh Gets Stuck
Missed Periods and Other Grammar ScaresCooking With Pooh
How to Cook Husbands
Have a New Kid by Friday
Do-it-Yourself Brain Surgery & Other Home Skills
Who Cares About Disabled People?
What’s Your Poo Telling You?
The Zen of Farting
Whose Bottom Is This?
Quick-Fix Cooking with Roadkill
The Book of General Ignorance
Teaching Kids to Read for Dummies
I’d Really Like to Eat a Child
All My Friends are Dead
The House that Crack Built
The Taking Tree
Little Monkey’s Big Peeing Circus
Jack the Tripper
I Still Miss My Man, But My Aim is Improving


Bonnie Landau Weed is mom to two twice-exceptional boys and System Coach for the Easyread System, an online phonics course developed for children with dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, highly visual learning styles, and more.