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Our eyes are perhaps the most important, yet often neglected, aspect of our healthcare regime. After all we only have two. Without even one of them, the world changes. Without both, our life changes radically.

While the general perception of optometry is that it is conducted through complex apparati, VisionCare Optometry recognises that vision has a lot more to do with our brain than many realise. Business owner Ruth Perrott uses behavioural optometry to give a full and insightful diagnosis of what’s going on ‘behind the scenes’ in the brain’s communication with the eyes. Her training in the behavioural side of vision allows her to provide an alternative approach to sight problems.

“We don’t see with our eyes, we see through our eyes,” said Colin Perrott of VisionCare Optometry. “The way we see has a lot to do with how the brain works – it’s important to have an understanding of how the brain and the eye work together. Our brain is built on visual experiences, which has a lot to do with neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability adapt to changes in the nervous system due to behaviour or environment.

“Some people have issues with recognition and aren’t able to remember certain shapes, as encountered in letters and words. Others suffer with Irlen Syndrome, where their vision is unsteady. Coloured overlays or precision tinted glasses can be used to help steady their vision, making tasks like reading free from visual disturbances.”

Ruth’s journey into optometry stemmed from her own vision difficulties in earlier life. Ruth is short-sighted in one eye and long-sighted in the other, a problem that is often treated with glasses that magnify sight in one eye and minimise it in the other. Colin explains that this solution can be counterproductive.

“By magnifying sight in one eye and minimizing it in the other, the brain may have difficulty fusing the two images together, and shut down the sight in one eye, thus causing amblyopia (or a ‘lazy eye’.)”

By using behavioural optometry techniques to diagnose the problem, VisionCare can use a variety of techniques to combat amblyopia, including prescribing specialised contact lenses and a programme of vision therapy to help re-establish the vision in both eyes, improve eye coordination and help restore stereo vision.


VisionCare Optometry is situated in Castleford and York and is the only behavioural optometry practice in the Leeds area, providing a unique service across Yorkshire. Ruth is one of only 50 behavioural optometrists in the UK, with an abundance of experience in her specialist field. According to Ruth, the standard NHS sight test does not measure how well you see when reading , evaluate depth perception, eye coordination or the other numerous visual skills required at work or at school. Behavioural optometry goes much further than the basic NHS eye test, providing alternative diagnostic techniques.

VisionCare with Ruth Perrott has been in operation for 21 years, their excellent reputation assuring clients that their vision is in capable and experienced hands. For a clearer diagnosis of your sight problems, call in to VisionCare and book an eye test today – a visit to VisionCare could change the way you see the world forever.


“I just wanted to put into words what a difference my new glasses have made to me. Since being diagnosed with Basilar Artery Migraine, one of my big concerns has been the effect this would have on my eyes, as when an attack starts the blurred vision and complete sensitivity to light make some of my great pleasures – reading and being outside – unbearable. When my neurologist identified certain lights as on of my migraine triggers and suggested coloured lenses would help I was so relieved. Not only did Ruth know exactly what I was talking about, (which I didn’t at the time!) she had my new glasses made quickly too.”

“You have changed my life forever – thank you so much. I am now doing a talk at different schools about dyslexia and doing very well at school, all thanks to you.”