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In the run up to the holidays, we thought it’d be a nice idea to give our budding Easyread writers the chance to see their festive stories appear in our Easyread library, to really put our readers in the festive mood.

We received heart-warming stories galore, featuring the likes of the snowman, Father Christmas, Rudolph, baby Jesus and a dinosaur called Pinkaton! Heart-breaking tales turned into stories of friendship and happy endings, a guaranteed recipe for a great Christmas tale.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 3 winning stories that will become part of our new library book, Christmas Tales, as:

A Dino Christmas, by Bethan

Rudolph Runs Away, by Matilda

The Day the Snowman Got Built, by Riley

A huge congratulations to you all! We’ll have your stories in the Easyread library later on this week for everyone to read, just in time for the holidays.

We’ll be running further writing competitions in the future and we hope to see you all there again soon.

If you’d like to read Bethan, Matilda and Riley’s stories now, you can find them published in this blog post below.

A big congratulations again to our winners, and we look forward to reading your writing in the programme and in all future competitions.

Happy Holidays!

A Dino Christmas

Bethan, aged 8

It was Christmas Eve and the Ants in Pink Pants were feeling sad because all their friends had gone to a fun Christmas party and there was no room for them. The Ants in Pink Pants remembered their friend, Pinkaton (a pink T-Rex) had told them that there would be an exciting Christmas fair in DinoWorld. The Ants in Pink Pants had a made a “Pant-Machine” that would allow them to travel to any dimension. So the Ants in Pink Pants decided to travel to see their friend, Pinkaton.

They bumped and thumped until they landed in a mess of snow. One of the Ants poked her head out and saw it was cold, with deep snow and in the distance there was a vast forest with trees as tall as mountains. Their friend Pinkaton rushed up to them in tears. She was upset because all the Christmas decorations and presents had been stolen by Mr Evil Carrot Nose. The Ants in Pink Pants wondered how the snowman had even come to life, but there was no time to ask, and off they set to rescue Christmas in Dino-World.

Pinkaton allowed them to climb on her back and rushed through the fields like Santa’s reindeer flying through the sky. They travelled over rocky mountains and through the thick forest following the snowman’s tracks. Eventually, they arrived in a clearing and exhausted, decided to rest. But Pinkaton smelt something beefy coming from an underground burrow.

The Ants in Pink Pants crept up to the burrow and peered inside. The tunnel looked like a shiny slide so without hesitation, the Ants in Pink Pants slid down with Pinkaton behind. At the bottom of the slide they saw Mr Evil Carrot Nose and the Thief with the Beef!!! (Dun, dun, dah!!!!)

They all scrambled into a corner and saw the jolly face of Santa (but not looking so jolly) trapped in a cage. Out of the corner of his eye, the Thief with the Beef spotted the Ants in Pink Pants and dropped his beef in shock! The Ants in the Pink Pants rushed towards the beef and scooped it up and with a mighty shout they cried “CHARGE!”

Pinkaton rose up and chased after the Thief with the Beef. The Ants in Pink Pants surrounded Mr Evil Carrot Nose and the snowman started to melt from the heat of the fire. Quickly the Ants in Pink Pants released Santa and threw the beef into the fire. Quick as a flash, the Thief, with no Beef, escaped out of a secret door behind the fire. The Thief with no Beef has escaped again, but the Ants in Pink Pants had saved Christmas!!

The Day the Snowman Got Built

Riley, aged 7

Tom and Rose were decorating the Christmas tree when they heard a knock at the door.

They thought it was their dad but actually it was a raven. He was the size of a tall man wearing a magician’s hat and black gloves.

He said he was homeless because he had been sacked from the circus as they thought he wasn’t good enough.

So Tom and Rose built him a house, in the shape of a snowman, out of bricks in their dad’s shed and persuaded him to create his own circus for Christmas.

This made the raven very happy.

Rudolph Runs Away

Matilda, aged 7

Once upon a time there was a little reindeer called Rudolph.
He did not have any friends; all the other reindeer teased him,
even Father Christmas did not like him.
So Rudolph decided to run away.
Father Christmas realized he had gone.
He felt guilty so he went to find him.
He found him with Jesus and Mary.
Father Christmas said sorry to Rudolph, the other reindeer said sorry too.
Rudolph said goodbye to his new best friend Jesus.
Father Christmas said to Jesus “Merry Christmas Jesus”
And he gave Jesus a present, of course it was Christmas night.
And they went to deliver all the presents to the children.

The End