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NBC’s Ann Curry recently interviewed award-winning photographer Robert Clark, who strongly believes that his brain was wired for photography — and dyslexia.


His photos span the breadth of human existence, from high school football to war-ravaged landscapes. And he traces it all back to being a struggling reader who, rather than focusing on the letters, noticed how light moved across a page, or around the classroom.

Almost all of the dyslexics we work with through Easyread are highly visual, which is why we use visual phonics to help them get back on track with their reading.

Clark has used his visual strengths to capture the world. If you haven’t yet seen the video, it’s worth a watch. The clip starts by displaying his recent series on mummies, so we’d recommend watching this without the kids for the first minute or so!

DSCN0462Sarah Forrest is a Reading Specialist for the Easyread System, a unique online program for struggling readers that uses visual phonics to help children with dyslexia, auditory processing weakness, guessing/sight-reading symptoms, and more.