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It was a dark, blustery night in late October. Over the howl of the wind blowing through the trees, there was the sound of a door creaking in the distance. Suddenly, a tall dark shadow appeared round the corner…

And now, over to you, our budding Easyread story writers! With this prompt in mind, we would like you to write your very own scary story! You can choose whether you want to write a scary story based around the adventures of one of the Easyread characters, or a scary story created from entirely around your own imagined world.

All you need to know is that your story can be as long as you like, and as scary as you like!

The prize? See your story feature in our very own Easyread library, so that Easyread children all over the world will continue to read your scary tale for at least a year! We’re looking to create a new book called Scary Stories, made up of the 3 winning stories sent in by our Easyread writers.

Are you interested yet?

Did we mention we may also be sending some sweet treats to you in the post too?

We thought that’d seal the deal.

You can either send us a photo of your story, or type it up with your parents so they can send it to us. Email your entries to by midnight, the 27th of October (UK time).

The 3 winners will be announced at 4pm on Friday, the 30th of October, just in time for Halloween.

Please note: you must be either a current or past learner on the Easyread programme to enter.

On your marks, get set, ghoooooul!

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