ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

Meet Mary.

Mary is the lovely lady who posts all our Easyread prizes to the UK and the rest of the world (minus the US).


Hi Mary! Tell us, how did you become a prize sender for Easyread?

I became a prize sender for Easyread in 2012. My daughter Laura worked for Easyread at that time in their head office – the heart of this wonderful creation helping children who have reading difficulties. I have three children who have all grown up now.

I used to be a child minder for many years and reading together was one of the best parts. To learn and love to read has surely got to be one of the most precious gifts adults can give a child. It will be a wonderful past time for the rest of their lives (there is nothing like a good story to transport the reader to another place and time) and also obviously an essential part of living.

What is the best part of your job?

I was very excited to be able to become involved in this great programme that David and his team have created. The feedback Easyread are constantly receiving from so many very happy children and parents alike is so encouraging. Obviously the prizes are very much enjoyed too, as this is a big part of rewarding all their commitment and constant achievements.

I personally think I have the best job there is, sending out the parcels to children all over the world for all their hard work. I am very dedicated to get the prizes out as soon as I receive notification from the office, as it is very important that these clever children receive their hard-earned prize quickly after achieving each stage.

And I really think I have the best office possible – just surrounded by great toys and clever gadgets, such a great variety too.


Recognition is so important and will hopefully give the child confidence in their ability to improve.

It makes me feel like I should imagine Father Christmas does but for me it is every day of the year when I fill my sack with the wonderful prizes. But I don’t have to travel through the air (like Father Christmas!) as I am lucky to have a very reliable postman who collects my sack for me.


My son Dan used to love Postman Pat and actually had a small red van just like Pat’s which he used to take everywhere with him! Such a shame he is an adult now! But it always makes me smile when the red van pulls up outside my little cottage. I have not spotted Jess in the passenger seat yet but will keep looking!

I do, however, have Winnie the Pooh here to help me (as pictured above). And Tigger too! They’re here keeping a watchful eye on me to make sure I send out the correct prizes…

What is your favourite prize?

I think all the prizes are so good, imaginative, fun and exciting, (very carefully chosen in the office in Oxford by my colleagues). Probably my favourite is the helicopter – must just be amazing to have this delivered by the postman. It looks so like the real thing and such good quality, such a great reward to receive. The helicopter is the last prize so therefore very special and a wonderful achievement for each child that has reached this stage. It shows hard work and dedication for many weeks.

How many helicopters do you tend to send out?

I roughly send out about 6-7 of these a week and feel very happy and proud for this child when packing it up as they have done so well. My other favourite is the STRAW prize, only small but a very clever little gadget.

Thanks Mary!

We hope you enjoy your secret agent prizes as much as we enjoy choosing them and Mary enjoys sending them. And as Mary said, they are so well deserved.

So next time you know that when you get that prize through the door, there’s someone else who is also so very proud of your achievement.

– Maddie