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Getting your kids to eat more fruit

We’re just launching a new blog series called “Recipes for Life and Learning”, which will feature fun ‘recipes’ for afterschool or educational activities, insightful ‘recipes’ about how to be the best parent you can be to your child, and healthy recipes for nutritional snacks and meals. Starting us off is a recipe from our very own Bonnie which has a Halloween theme!

Almond Teeth Monster Apples



  • Apples
  • Sliced almonds


Cut up your apples into thirds. Using a small knife, cut out a slice in the middle of each third without slicing through the apple completely. Hand the ‘monster mouths’ to your kids and show them how to stick the almond pieces into the apple to create crooked teeth.

Then enjoy apple-almond feast!

*Apples, especially Red Delicious and Granny Smith, are high in antioxidants and fiber (

*Almonds are a source of heart-healthy fats and are also very high in Vitamin E (


Sarah Forrest is a Granny Smith apple-lover and System Coach for Easyread, an online program for children who need support for spelling and reading problems. Easyread was developed for children with dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, Optilexia and highly visual learning styles, using Guided Phonetic Reading techniques to help every child achieve reading take-off. Find out more at