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Dyslexia has become a recognised condition that affects the learning ability of many children in the U.K.  It is highly likely that difficulties that fall within the dyslexic spectrum (including dyscalculia and dysgraphia) may relate to vision, and in particular, to binocular vision. Many children have not been diagnosed, but usually the parents or the teacher recognise that the child is not progressing as well as would be expected.

Children with “specific learning difficulties” such as these can become disillusioned with school and gradually stop trying altogether.  Unfortunately, those children often suffer from low self esteem, which in turn can lead to behaviour problems, so it is essential that this is addressed sooner rather than later.

Research is beginning to establish a strong link between the way the eyes work and the ease with which a child is able to carry out the task in hand.  In sport, where vision is critical, there is evidence that the stability of the dominant eye is essential, and this applies to all near visual tasks as well.

Many children will already have had a standard eye test and have been given the “all clear”, however it is quite possible to have good distance vision and still experience problems at near.  More in depth testing may be required to uncover this problem.  Binocular vision is likely to be one of the most important considerations for children whose academic ability does not match their verbal ability.

Slow reading speed can be due to poor tracking caused by near binocular imbalance, and the prescribing of special spectacles can help redress this problem.  Some children have a complicating light sensitivity which causes fatigue, and therefore a light tint may be beneficial as well. These lenses have a therapeutic element as well as a compensatory one, and in time we expect the therapeutic element to be removed.

A full ‘School Vision’ assessment would be able to indentify these problems, and includes testing for binocular vision, eye dominance and colour sensitivity.

If you would like to arrange a School Vision Assessment, please contact either the Rugby or Wellingborough practices and ask to book a School Vision appointment


Mrs D Halsey has been practising Behavioural Optometry since 1997 and has Sport Vision and School Vision diplomas.




2a Sheep Street, Wellingborough, Northants
NN8 1BL 01933 224488 ||

11 Regent Place, Rugby, Warks
CV21 2PJ 01788575452 ||