A recent resolution passed in South Carolina makes provision for new dyslexia training for teachers… and reveals just how poorly teachers are prepared for children with learning differences.

“The word [dyslexia] has really never been used in our school system before, and so this was to hopefully acquaint these teachers with the problems dyslexics face and to get them to the proper resource person to assist them.”

The resolution has applied a mandatory 1 hour training module that aims to get teachers up to speed. This is obviously far, far less than it should be! But dyslexia advocates are viewing it as a step in the right direction.

“Part of the module went over facts versus myths, like the myth that it’s more prevalent in boys. The myth that it’s just reversals and reading things backwards,” one literacy coach said said. “It’s more language processing and phonological awareness and phonemic awareness and fast recall of words, or letters or name-calling.”

Read the full article here:
