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Students with attention difficulties perhaps associated with dyslexia or ADD/ADHD can often struggle with managing their study time effectively. This can lead to last minute panic, stress and poorly prepared submissions. Here are 9 strategies well worth using if you want to improve your use of study time.


1. Plan blocks of study time.

How long does it take for you to become restless and need a break?

Remember that more difficult material may require more frequent breaks.

Organise your work to fit in when you are naturally at your most productive – morning or night, before or after lunch?

2. Schedule weekly reviews and updates.

Sunday night may be the best time to review your week ahead.

Remember, as deadlines and exams approach your weekly routine must adapt

3. Prioritise assignments

Start with the most difficult subject or task. Give yourself a reward before moving on to easier tasks.

Try to be flexible in your view of, and approach to, success.

Build in “reaction time” for getting feedback from your tutor or proof reader before your work is due in.

4. Get something done

Don’t concentrate on the details of your work until you have developed a concept of what is needed.

Don’t strive for perfection at the start of your work – that comes later.

At the start, concentrate on producing a rough draft of your idea and proceed from there.

5. Postpone tasks that can be put off until your study is finished

Delegate or delay non-essential tasks when you have a deadline.

Leisure time is more enjoyable without the pressure of study hanging over you – so wait until you have achieved your target or deadline.

6. Develop alternative study places free from distractions

Manage your environment in ways which block out distractions, such as social media. This helps you to maximise your concentration.

7. Use your “free” time to study and adapt your methods accordingly

Think of times when you can study in different ways – listening to audio recordings while walking, doing chores or taking the bus, for example.

8. Review notes just before class

This allows you to reflect on what you understand and can shape any questions that you still need answers to.

9. Review study material immediately after class

In general, you will forget most of the lecture within 24 hours if you do not review your notes.


Jan Halfpenny is Managing Director of Halfpenny Development Ltd. She is a specialist trainer, consultant, writer and researcher on dyslexia in business and entrepreneurship. She has mentored, trained and tutored many dyslexic adults and children to create individual techniques which capitalise on the strengths of their dyslexia and can be used when they encounter areas of difficulty.

©Jan Halfpenny 2013