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Did you read this recent article about one mother’s fight to get her son reading?

When Zachary was in 2nd Grade, he was already falling behind in his reading. He was diagnosed with dyslexia.

His mother hired a dyslexia tutor who worked with him 3 times a week, for 1 hour at a time, for 3 years. The cost per hour was $120.

Let us do the math for you…

That’s $56,160 total.

The good news is that Zachary is now reading at age level, in 5th Grade.

But it certainly does put Easyread’s $198 monthly subscription into stark perspective. That monthly cost covers:

  • 31 daily lessons
  • unlimited coaching and support from the Easyread team
  • prizes through the post for the learner
  • an online parent training suite
  • free bonus downloads and games
  • support for eye-tracking difficulties
  • a 90-lesson refund success guarantee

We know that solutions that actually work cost money to produce and maintain. They can’t always be handed out for free. And we’re so glad Zachary is now reading. But we wish his mother could have spent 9 months on our program for the same results, spending $198 a month for Easyread compared to $1560 a month for dyslexia tutoring!

Sarah Forrest is a Reading Specialist for the Easyread System, a highly effective solution for children with dyslexia, reading difficulties, auditory processing issues and more. Try a free 10-day trial at