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Thought we might give you an up-date on Hannah. We are really proud that she has passed the 100 lesson mark and her enthusiasm for each lesson is still great. She is happy to read through the story at least twice, and we have noticed the reading with the words is really coming on, and without the words she has no problem decoding the images (we still get stuck!).

In her everyday reading, there is much improvement. She does not wildly guess at words and if she knows the word doesn’t make sense she takes her time and tries to decode. She reads notices/posters/sub titles on the TV without prompting.

We know that if we hadn’t found Easyread when we did, things would be a lot different and Hannah’s confidence with all her learning, not just reading, would be very low.

There is still a way to go but we are definitely on the right track and are so pleased and proud.

– S