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Hello David and Easyread staff,
I have a message from Rachel. She LOVES Easyread and wanted to know if you have a level 6 or 7! She does want to continue with level 5 story, but we are going to take several weeks break so she can enjoy the rest of her summer break from school.
Rachel also says she LOVES the games, jokes and especially the RIDDLES in Level 4. As her mom and coach, I think she has probably enjoyed the Level 4 format the most of all.
The timing of her last lesson should be Tuesday, July 8, and it is perfect. We have been invited to spend the night at a friend’s beach house, so we will be celebrating Rachel’s accomplishment in the sand and surf. She can have any dessert she wants, even before the meal!
We have been working with this since September, so you can imagine the joy and accomplishment we feel. While Rachel does still struggle at times to put sounds together in multi-syllable words, such as articulated, I know that Easyread has helped her because she can do it if she slows down and works it out. More importantly, Rachel ENJOYS reading books.
I have told so many other parents about Easyread and I hope they follow through with viewing your website. We are extremely pleased to recommend your program and have never doubted the investment for Rachel’s future.
Happy Reading to you all!