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We are thrilled with the progress that Joseph has made in just 6 weeks. We are not expecting him to read Thackeray yet, but just seeing the change in his confidence, and his belief that he is actually learning to read is worth a million dollars.

He now goes around trying to read anything he can when we are out and about. Before starting Easyread his confidence had sunk to his boots, and he was resisting sitting with even the easiest trainer book and could become very agitated. I think this was impacting on his entire learning experience at school.

We now see him interested in the world around him again. Our friends and family have all noted that Joseph seems to be his old self again, and seems to be a much happier child.

Before half term he actually brought home 5 trainer books, because he “wanted to”. This was a first for us, as he could not be motivated even to look at the books on offer before. Today, at school, it was noted that he had actually read 2 trainer books. We are delighted

Joseph wants to do his Easyread lesson almost as soon as he gets home from school, and, so far, is still totally engaged in the lessons. It is perfect for his current psychology: 7 year old boy with a fascination for spies, and a dap-hand at computer games. I think David Morgan’s manner in the lessons is spot on: warm, encouraging and humorous.

We all love the Easyread characters, which are instantly memorable, and we all have our favourites – the “vulture into culture” is genius! The “nun with a bun” is pure poetry – we have lots of friends who are nuns, and so it’s hilarious for Joseph. So Easyread has managed to engage both mum, dad, and little sister as well as Joseph.

As the lessons progress, it’s easy to see how they are designed to work, and this has given us the confidence in the system to expect that it will continue to lead our son in the method that he needs.

The prizes are an amazingly effective motivator. Joseph looks forward to receiving his “letter from Oxford” more than anything!

So, our feedback at this stage is so far, so very good. I don’t have anything negative to say. Thanks for everything!

– W