ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>
Alex is doing really well, and enjoying his lessons. He has already taken more interest in reading and making the right choices in decoding rather than guessing. Although he is still guessing it is getting less. Yesterday was a good one though a sign read Cooper & Sons Alex read it quickly and came up with Computer & Sons (rather than Suns)!

Message from Alex – he is really impressed so far!

Many thanks

Alex is doing really well, and enjoying his lessons. He has already taken more interest in reading and making the right choices in decoding rather than guessing. Although he is still guessing it is getting less. Yesterday was a good one though a sign read Cooper & Sons Alex read it quickly and came up with Computer & Sons (rather than Suns)!

Message from Alex – he is really impressed so far!

Many thanks