ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

Liam has been steadily progressing. We do reread the story until fluent, although he can get a bit frustrated with this it does and has enabled him to become more fluent as a reader and now we are having to re-read less as the last two or three sessions have been fluent – lovely to see !

I have also noticed, just as of today that he is now attempting to read things around him e.g. this morning a brand on a bottle in the bathroom and this evening a sign on a shop – this is something he hasn’t done before which again is a great step forward.

Liam mostly enjoys Easyread, as with any boy he would prefer to do other things ! But we don’t have a battle for him to do it and he does enjoy the games at the end especially Letter Quest – that seems to be his favourite!

I also can say that the Jungle monkey game is becoming much quicker, with what would seem less thought having to be put in by Liam.

Liam is also showing progress in his written work, where he is able to spell words easier and therefore I sense less frustration which enables a greater willingness to write – very helpful at this time of the year with Christmas cards !

So all in all positive progress I would say.

– M