Seren continues to be really enthusiastic about Easyread. She rarely guesses words, when she does, it is usually during the re-reading of the passage, and when she is tired. I always pull her up on it, and we re-read again. She continues to decode most words, although as she reads more, she is naturally progressing towards sight recognition of some words.
Seren is getting more fluent. She is sometimes reading with a little expression. We talk about the stories and I ask specific questions to monitor whether she understands what she is reading. I am happy to report that this isn’t a problem. This suggests to me that the programme is progressing at a good rate for her.
Her joy at reading and starting to write is clearly evident. Although she is naturally a loud happy child,who appears confident in all situations, it has become evident that she was more worried than was apparent with her literacy problems. Other aspects of life have improved for her. She is an even happier child than she already appeared to be. She is enjoying school much more. She is able to follow up on the ideas she had. Luckily for her, her teacher always recognised that she had wonderful ideas and encouraged her to share them, but now she can extend those ideas and produce written work about them. She is so proud of herself. She often makes me go into school and look at the work she has done on the display boards.
I am astounded that so much change has occurred so fast.
– A (Seren, age 7)