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smiling boy 03Before Easyread: When he started Easyread at age 7, Louie’s confidence in his reading was very low. This was starting to have a knock-on effect with all his subjects at school. He is a very bright boy with an inquiring mind who works very hard, so it was hard to see him struggle so much. His mother Lisa knew that he needed a solution to the reading problems before he fell too far behind in school.

During Easyread: Easyread fit in well with family life as it was a short daily lesson that could be completed whenever was convenient each day. It felt different from a tutor approach, which would have been “more of the same” as what he was getting at school. The computer format absolutely inspired Louie; he would run to the laptop to complete his daily lesson. After months of upset, frustration and tears, it was like a light had been switched on for him. Watching both his ability and confidence grow through Easyread was a joy for Lisa to see.

After Easyread: His reading improved hugely, which has impacted all of his subjects at school. Louie is really proud of his achievement and continues to be a willing reader.

Louie says: “When I started Easyread I felt frightened of doing reading and writing because of getting it wrong and because it was so difficult for me. Then I started Easyread. I really liked doing it every day as it helped me read and I liked doing it on the computer. The scared feeling in my tummy when I was trying to read before went away. Now I feel like I have done really well, I can decode easier and I feel more confident now at school too. I think Easyread is excellent for children who are not confident with school tasks. Thank you David I think Easyread is the best!!”

His mother, Lisa says: “After 6 months of Easyread being a truly integral part of our lives I shed a tear!! Both with a little sadness that we would not be doing the incredible lessons together anymore but much more importantly the effort, perseverance and dedication that my Louie has shown over the months is both inspiring and humbling to me as his mum. I am so proud of him. My greatest thanks go to you David for creating the most incredible tool by which children who do not pick up reading via the ‘normal’ reading teaching methods at school, also have the possibility via Easyread to shine and achieve their true potential. My heartfelt thanks.”