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Charlotte is progressing well through the Easyread course and I am pleased to see how fluent she is now getting with reading the stories as she seems to struggle a little with this at the start of Level 2. She appears to be finding things much easier and enjoyable now and is getting more enthusiastic about reading in general!

On the whole I think the Easyread course is great and because it only takes a maximum of 15 minutes per day it is not difficult to persuade your child to do it! Charlotte enjoys the games (especially Fighter Mission). She is still in the early stages of the course but is already showing very positive signs of progression in her reading. She is no longer guessing words and this is translating through into her reading books from school too. She is now starting to recognise letter pairing sounds too. I expect her to be a confident and happy reader by the end of the course!

I find the support given to parents to help their child through the course is very useful too and if I have had any questions you have always answered my messages very quickly.
