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Christian is still a little hesitant in reading books but after only 6 weeks of using the Easyread system my husband and I have noticed a big difference ……. he now will try to decode words …….something that he would never felt confident or comfortable doing in the past.

We love the fact that it is only 15 minutes max a day …….. sometimes Christian is a little reluctant to start but really enjoys it when he gets going. To me it is amazing how such short lessons can have such a big impact.

We know that we have some way to go but now that we have signed up to Easyread we feel that there is hope for our son after watching him struggle and suffer during his first 2 years of school.

For me it would help if there was some framework that I could refer to outlining what is in each stage …..i.e. lessons x to x have some words without characters. As I am the main adult helping Christian I want to be the one around when he transitions to a new stage – currently I feel a little in the dark.

Thank you.

Lois & John