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I can only confirm :): Yes Radek has made progress in his confidence and fluency when reading with Easyread. It is amazing for me to see that my son is reading without looking at me after every word. He reads whole lesson text in independent way. It was not possible before he started this course. And there is no problem from his side to do the lessons. He is realy willing to work with Easyread.

And If you ask me about my opinion about this product I have to say: It is fantastic!!! Till now we have only some technical problems . Because we’ve moved from The Netherlands to Poland for few weeks we have a problem with internet connection to loading the Easyread lessons- but now is OK. For me as a parent is is very important and comfortable I have a filling that treat my son individually – we talk about Radek and his needs not about average 8th years old child. So you designed and organised this tool very very good.
Thank you and all the best in your improvement!!