Connor’s confidence and fluency when reading in Easyread has improved a lot. Our belief in the programe has calmed us both down and I believe that we will see him improve in leaps and bounds. The stress around his reading has vanished!

We have the easyread characters everywhere at home and a set at school to help him there. He asks me if he can do his Easyread every day, which is amazing in itself.

I appreciate the emails I get from you, as his book reading improvement is minimal and I get anxious (he doesn’t) it is a great reminder to me to trust the programme, understand the dynamics that we are laying down the foundations and the building will appear!

We believe easyread is an answer to our prayers. I have been spreading the word and would love to see this active in the schools. I have been showing the principal at Connor’s school. So far so good.

Thank you for creating this programme for all the trouble readers sake!

