ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

We really coudn’t be happier.

12 months ago we hadn’t even heard of Easyread and Cal was ducking reading and really struggling.

You should know that last night he read the first two pages of Lord of the Rings out loud! That is how far he has come and he’s promised himself that he will read “To Kill a Mockingbird” as his first book.

I understand that he’s about half way through the course now but his writing has already improved beyond recognition – we plan to scan in his writing from 12 months ago together with something from now so you can see (and hopefully make use of).

His decoding is working well hence his success with Lord of the Rings and his spelling is coming on leaps and bounds and he now insists on trying to spell everything that he writes – for exaple putting an item on the shopping list.

The results haven’t just helped him read – your’s is the last part in his jigsaw – he has confdence from his work as a Referee and Police Cadet – but there was always something that hung like a shadow over him. That something has gone with the growth in his confidence in his ability to read.