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Courtney has gone from being a reluctant reader to one full of confidence. She has just completed reading a chapter book about mudlark from England called “Meet Grace” by Sofie Laguna that was sent out to Australia in 1808; not sometime she would ever have picked up to read prior to doing the Easyread. I think in parts this book was a little difficult for her but she was not put off by the unfamiliar words which I was both amazed and very pleased to see happening. With regards to improvements I can’t really say I had any issues with the program infact I think I too have learnt some valuable lessons about children’s development of literacy. As mentioned in previous emails, I will continue to support Courtney’s learning. I am so very pleased I came across your program and it benefits for Courtney’s learning have been huge. Thank you to both yourself and David for your ongoing emails and support throughout Courtney’s time on Easyread. Just last Wednesday I was telling one of my colleagues about your program and the wonderful benefits it has had for Courtney. I will continue to let others know about the benefits. I guess my advise would be don’t let it too big as a company as you may loose that personal touch it now has which I think would be a shame. Again, thank you from myself, and Courtney of course. Kindest Regards Helen