ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

To date we have found the Easyread program excellent. The boys both enjoy doing their lessons. The rewards in the mail really help keep them motivated. I am impressed by the positive responses given throughout the lessons, whether the child completes the answer correctly or incorrectly. I am motivated to facilitate the daily lessons with the children because I feel a sense of expectation that we will see positive results from our efforts. The other children in our family also continue to show interest and are a great support to their brothers too. The others do not have reading issues but they enjoy watching the games.

We have already seen some improvement in the area of confidence with both of the boys. They seem to have more interest in trying to read. As I said when we spoke on the phone, they both want to read during our family Bible reading time. This is something they did not do previously.

The quick responses via the message system are great. I never feel like I have to wait. Usually when I write with a question or comment, I receive a response in less than 24 hours. Thank you!

If I were recommending your program to a friend, after I told them all the positives as those above, I would feel that I would need to inform them about the use of the word “fart” as this is not a word we use in our home. Also I would comment on the monsters in one of the games. The only other comment I would make is that there are some pronunciation differences but these are easy to work through. I understand that each of these are just personal taste issues and I have not seen anything that would keep me from using the program. The excellence far out weighs these little things.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to reporting an excellent outcome to our efforts with Easyread as the boys progress.