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Dear David,
I’d like to update you about our son Cameron who completed your Easyread and Easyspell courses some years ago. He really struggled with learning to read before Easyread and Easyspell.Both helped enormously at the time and he flourished into a confident student. He was diagnosed with some elements of dyslexia after his English Teacher lobbied to have him tested. This allowed him to have some more time during his exams which he found very helpful. We are pleased to say he has heard last week that he achieved seven A grades in his Scottish National 5 exams. He’s just gone back to school today to start his Higher exams with renewed enthusiasm.
We have just been discussing our memories of easy read this evening and it’s been quite nostalgic for Cameron to google easy read and to hear your familiar voice!
I’d just like to thank you once again for your system and your help which just arrived at exactly at the right time for us. Cameron still loves reading books despite the time he also spends on “screen based” entertainment.Thank you for your help in enabling Cameron to achieve his potential. I hope easy read is going from strength to strength!
Best wishes