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The easy read system is going very well for Ben. I have noticed such a differance firstly in his self-esteem and confidence. He is getting that great feeling of achievement, he is alltogether a happier boy.

Sometimes Ben finds a lesson a bit difficult so we do just leave it,- usually till just before he goes to bed, he always finds the lesson alot easier second time round.
The prizes are very exciting infact, getting something in the post is just as exciting for him.

The best part for me is hearing the differance it`s making at school, there have been a few times when he has told me he knew something at school because of easy read and today he came in the door after school waving a certificate he was very excited and saying it was because easy read he got it. The certificate read,- For super work in reading – what a star.
I am so pleased.

I had an assessment made for Ben before we started easy read and now we have the report back so I will forward that to you, that should give you a good picture of his abilities and what his problem areas are.

Thank you and kind regards,