Before Easyread James was a VERY ANGRY and frustrated boy. Since starting Easyread James is a lot happier and does not think that he is dumb or an idiot.
He picked up the characters very quickly. The prizes are very motivational and he thinks that he is a real spy.
Level two, initally there was alot of resistance until you found out he has an eye tracking problem. TEN TENS sorted this and the soft toy that was a prize also helps with his eye tracking. The advice on Irlen has led us to coloured overlays and James should receive his coloured glasses in a week or two.
We are nearly at the end of the first story of level two and James has logged on by himself on two occassions recently because he wants to find out what is happening.(His special agent assistant is never far behind him!) As for the games he loves them all.
I can’t champion Easyread enough, thank you so much. I’ve got my funny happy little boy back!