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I am writing to let you know some important updates that I thought you would like to know. At Nicole’s annual eye exam in August, I mentioned, again, about her difficulty with reading etc. The Dr. has always checked her for it and there had been no issues that she could find, but this time she saw something and diagnosed Nicole with convergence excess!!!! She not only prescribed reading glasses but we also finally did go to a visual learning specialist who confirmed the diagnosis and suggested a 6 month program of vision therapy. Probably not a surprise to you since she did keep coming up as a red flag for possible tracking problems! All the signs of the disorder seem to fit Nicole’s struggles in school and they feel she will make good progress. I knew the Easyread system was on to something and I always kept it in the back of my mind to go further with testing but kept thinking the eye tracking exercises would help. Now I know that she probably had a hard time doing them 10×10 because she DID in fact have a problem. So THANK YOU!!!! It is truly amazing how your system picked up on that.