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Overall I am pleased with the first 6 weeks of the Easyread course. It has exceeded my expectations.

Despite an age difference of more than 4 years, my 2 children are excited to discuss the program with each other. They are great at reviewing the characters together outside of lessons and encouraging each other to keep trying hard.

Homeschooling a child with reading difficulties, especially dyslexic difficulties can become tedious at times. I find that Easyread has simplified the area of language arts for us by taking the hard bits and putting it into a simple, easy to follow, fun lesson, which leaves room for us to enjoy the rest of our school day without being worried that we’ve missed something. Its amazing to me how 15 minutes of the Easyread program contributes to the structure of our day and keeps things on track! 

I’m extremely happy with the level of extra support you give when these difficulties are noticed by you or expressed by myself. Most of all I am ecstatic over Katie’s increased confidence at trying new books from our local library and that she isn’t shying away from reading them aloud to me anymore! Prior to beginning the program she was unable to read pre-school level readers and is now reading at grade level with room to improve!

As I’ve said before I cannot express how much I appreciate that someone noticed these roadblocks in literacy and then devoted their life to developing tools to get over them. I know that if my children were attending school they would likely never have reached their full potential in reading and writing.

Thank you for your continued support. I can’t wait to see where we’re at when the course is over!

Please quote anything you like 🙂
