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The biggest success for us in regard to Easyread is that Anaru has enjoyed it. The games have been a huge part of this, but also the trainer text characters are engaging and interesting, and funny. This made a big difference for Anaru, as instead of struggling and slogging through tedious abstract letter symbols that he found trying, he had funny characters that made it easy and fun. If Anaru hadn’t like the course, we wouldn’t have bothered to continue with it, but he was engaged from the very beginning, and that was fantastic. Added to that, Anaru has progressed rapidly from struggling to being a fluent reader within the space of the progam. So, in just over 6 months he has moved from struggling to fluently reading – this is amazing, and just what we hoped for. He is reading at level for his age, and spelling really well, and I can see that in the next 6 months he will only improve even more rapidly, as his ability to sound out even large and challenging words means he’s now happy to tackle any text.
We are so happy with the course, and feel it was worth every dollar, because his confidence and happiness in his reading is invaluable.
Thanks so much to David for such a fabulous course, and I would recommend it to anyone.
Thanks again!!!

– M