ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

I’m really chuffed with how well Lewis has been doing since the last email. I was quite surprised to find that he actually seemed to find it easier without the highlighter mode on. He really has taken in the Easyread characters more than I thought; so much so that when the letters are switched off he is actually reading the story very well!

I’m very happy with his progression and the teachers at school seem to be quite happy with his attention span. I am sure this is making him more confident and less anxious when there is even the mention of reading. We have been doing more reading at home too and I have made sure that I take more time to sit down and just read to him through the day whenever he is a little bored. I have also taken his bookcase out of the cupboard and made a library corner in his room with a whole new selection of books and jigsaws to help his hand-eye co-ordination. It all seems to be going down well, thank you sooo much.

– R (after 6 weeks on the course)