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Logan took to Easyread with great enthusiasm right from the start. He really got the characters and sounds right away, which was a big step forward for him as he just did not seem secure with all his sounds when he learnt them in Primary 1, and he was clearly struggling by P2.

Just as described on your website, we noticed he was guessing wildly at words instead of sounding them out or decoding them, and we noticed him starting to lose a bit of confidence too. His teachers also became aware of this and arranged for him to have some extra small group assistance with his reading at school at this stage. We decided that we wanted to do something extra at home to help him too, and after some research, settled on Easyread as it seemed to fit with his problems and looked fun for him to do. In fact, like most 7 year old boys he loves playing games on the computer so thoroughly enjoys the games in Easyread and sees the lesson as his daily treat, not at all a chore. The excellent prizes also help with motivation and he gets really excited about them.

We are several months into the program now, and are seeing some slow and steady progress in his reading. He can now blend sounds, which he couldn’t do before and is decoding all the words in Easyread, instead of guessing them. He can read the story page with just the Easyread characters much faster than I can now!

We are also starting to see this transfer to his school reading recently, with more decoding and less guessing going on now. We have a parent/teacher meeting later on this week, so looking forward to getting some feedback from the school about how he is progressing there too.

Finally, many thanks to all at Easyread for the excellent customer service and support that you have provided us with so far.

– L