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I met with Caleb’s teacher this week to show her the EasyRead Program. She was excited to review it with me because she saw some improvement with Caleb over the last few weeks. She told me 2 months ago (around the time Caleb started EasyRead) that he was reading at a level J. This level is according to the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) used in SC schools. J is the level for those starting in 2nd grade.
2 months later, he has caught up to the standard and is now at a level M!

She also told me that he volunteers to read in class and he is able to work independently on vocabulary words without her reading it for him.

My hope is for Caleb to become an above average reader. I am also trying to promote this program more among other parents at his school as well. His teacher was very interested and is sharing it with her supervisor.

Thank you for your program. We will continue to enjoy using it.