ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

I am generally very impressed with Easyread and have certainly seen an improvement in Holly’s reading since we started using the system. She is very confident when reading during the lessons and she never complains or argues when we say it is time to do her lesson. I recently let Holly do a lesson in front of her grandparents. They saw Holly carry out a practice lesson before we signed up to Easyread and they were amazed by the development they saw in her. We are looking forward to seeing the improvement roll out into Holly’s reading in general.

Holly says that “Easyread is really amazing and is really helping me”.

I like the motivational code words; it means there is something to look forward to. I like the fact that there is regular feedback and monitoring built into the system-it helps to personalise it.

– R