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I am so thrilled with Jonah’s progress! I don’t feel it’s necessary for him to continue. When we began his Easyread lessons, he was reading at “below grade level” and now he is reading at “above grade level.” I think that speaks volumes for the program.

We are continuing to ensure Jonah reads every day for 7-10 minutes just to make sure he doesn’t revert back to any old habits and also continues to improve his skills. We’ve also had him begin writing everyday. He is given a writing prompt, and he writes about it. His writing abilities have already improved dramatically. I have no doubt Easyread had a huge influence on what he now hears as distinct sounds and the order the sounds come in when he is writing/spelling.

One of the big reasons we stuck with the program was the constant support and feedback we received along the way.

If we can be of any further assistance, please reach out to us. We’re happy to talk more as needed.

– B and S (parents of Jonah, age 10, lesson 224)