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I have been extremely impressed with the Easyread system, which has completely transformed my son’s, Noah’s life.

Noah completed the Easyread system at the age of 11 in his last year of primary school. He had attended a private school with a reputation for specialising in children with dyslexia and at this age was accessed with a reading age of 6. The school were unsupportive of your system and incapable of teaching Noah literacy despite their reputation and I consider the amount of money we spent on his education to be a complete waste of time.

I desperately wanted him to enter secondary school with the ability to read and write to an accepted level. When he entered a state secondary school he was put into a special needs class, which totally knocked his confidence and caused embarrassment and bullying by his peers.

We completed the Easyread course together and I am pleased to say that with a bit of pushing and his own hard work in his second year of school he was moved to the main stream classroom.

He is now 14 years old and in his first year of his GCSE courses. I am very pleased and proud to let you know that he is now in the top band for all his chosen subjects and is on target to achieve 9 GCSE’S.

Noah and I attribute his success totally to your Easyread system and wouldboth be happy to talk to other parents and children about our journey.

Kind regards