Ella is coming to the end of Easyread and I just wanted to give you some feedback on her progress – and to say thank you!

I started Ella on Easyread because I was really despairing about her reading. She was assessed at the end of Yr 1 to have a reading age of 4 years and 8 months – significantly behind! She started yr 2 on stage 2 (oxford reading tree) books – which are intended for reception children.

She started Easyread at the start of year 2 and now at the end of yr 2 she is a fabulous reader and is on stage 10 of oxford reading tree. A massive improvement – and it all seemed to happen so easily. Easyread really did take all the struggling out of reading.

It has been so fantastic that I’ve recommended it to some other parents and with the SENCO at Ella’s school.

Many thanks again.

– G